Tuesday, October 18, 2011

New Hidden Pictures: October Issue of High FIve

The October Issue of High Five Magazine is out and I had the good fortune of illustrating the hidden picture page. When you receive a hidden pictures assignment from High Five you get a nursery rhyme to illustrate. When I read the nursery rhyme for this I thought this should be easy and fun. Turns out I was over confident... I received some serious revisions. I've included the original sketch that was rejected. The lesson that I learned is that humility is more than a likable attribute, it's an essential skill. Enjoy.

P.S. Sorry about the ice cream cone... apparently it is very tough to find and I've been getting a lot of complaints. It follows a different visual logic than the rest of the items. Happy hunting.

Slightly different version than the one published... can you see the changes?

Original Sketch Submitted to High Five